
Thank you for supporting Cornerstone Housing for Women and our work to move women in our city from the crisis of homelessness to the stability of housing.

In the last year Cornerstone has opened its newest supportive housing residence at 44 Eccles Street, expanded our shelter to serve more people than ever before, and is continuing to advocate for women experiencing homelessness in Ottawa.

We've done so much with the support of our community, but we need you this winter!

Your donation supports our work to provide shelter, food, housing, and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Thank you for sharing the warmth of community with the women who need it most. Thank you for your commitment to ending homelessness in our city.

Your kindness today will send a powerful message to women on the journey to healing and independence. It says: You are important, you are valuable – and I’m standing with you, no matter what.

Donate By Mail

To make a donation by mail, please fill out this form and mail to:

Attention: Chris O'Gorman, Cornerstone Housing for Women
314 Booth Street,
Ottawa, ON, K1R 7K2

By choosing a monthly gift, you are authorizing the storing of your credit card account number for the processing of a monthly donation on the date and amount specified. To cancel your recurring/monthly gift please call (613) 254-6584 ext. 514 or email

Donor Bill of Rights
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